Girl names that are unique

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Parents: Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Mason Dash, Penelope Scotland, and Reign Aston Kris Jenner championed the name Psalm-and North, well, that moniker originated from a joke by Jay Leno. The names Saint and Chicago were reportedly Kardashian’s idea, as a tribute to West’s roots. And it won’t be long before we welcome baby Rocky Thirteen Barker into the world. Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s first son is called RZA, in honor of the legendary Wu-Tang Clan rapper RZA, and their second child was recently reported to have been named Riot Rose. Still, Grimes and Musk certainly aren’t the only celebs to opt for a unique name: Just take Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost, who named their son Cosmo. Their youngest child, whose existence has been kept secret until a few months ago, was revealed to be called Techno Mechanicus, or “Tau” for short, joining a daughter named Exa Dark Sideræl, whom they call “Y,” and their son, X Æ A-Xii (formerly X Æ A-12), who goes by “X'. In his new biography written by Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk has revealed that he and Grimes have had a third child-and the name is as eccentric as you might expect. Whether it’s an ode to Mother Nature or a tribute to an indie rock band, Hollywood continues to introduce us to the most unusual celebrity baby names out there.

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